Tuesday, May 27, 2008

3 from Vernon

Here are three pictures I took around the area where my grandson was playing T-Ball. I took them on a sunny day at the end of April when I was in Vernon, B.C.

I found this shadow interesting and wondered how it would like in camera.

This is just a picture of a wall. I liked the different textures.

This final one is a portion of an old freezer that was sitting in a parking lot a half a block from the ball field. I was intrigued first by the very fact it was in a parking lot and secondly, by the patterns of the rust and the MagicMatic logo and symbol.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Watering Cans

Wow, it's been too long since I've blogged a picture. I've been busy adjusting to the new lifestyle of shiftwork and 4 on, 4 off, plus the new HD cable box has me watching way too much tv.

Anyway, this picture was a shot I took of a display inside the store at Davison Orchard in Vernon, B.C. It looked pretty good after initial development but I applied a lomo style cross-processing action and finally used a hue/saturation adjustment level to get the final look.
