Saturday, September 14, 2013

Ryann at the Bullhead Derby

What the heck is a bullhead derby? Every year in Port Alberni, B.C., where I live, they have a big Salmon Derby. Part of the festivities is a "mini-derby" for the kids where they bring their rods down to the river bank and try and catch these little fish called bullheads. Then they measure them and give out a bunch of prizes. Just a fun day for everyone.

This year, my daughter took her two kids, with the help of Grandma and Papa (me). I mainly ended up entertaining my granddaughter Ryann (who for some reason just adores me) while my daughter fished for bullheads with her son. Naturally, I had my X100s and took a bunch of pictures. Later on, while the prizes were being announced I followed Ryann around the parking lot and got this shot that I just love and captures her already independent nature (she'll be two in November) as she heads off across the lot to check out the motorbikes or just does what she wants.

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